Doctor in Nerja
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VHI MEMEBER? Nerja Medical Center have a direct agreement with Eurocross (VHI ASSIST).
If you need to see a doctor in Nerja
Call us
Our doctors are available in Nerja:
24 hours a day 365 days a year
A complete medical service for patients in Nerja.
Same day English / Swedish speaking doctors appointments availble in Nerja.
Free English speaking doctors consultations for people with out patient travel insurance.
Our English / Swedish speaking doctors and medical staff attend patients at our Medical Center in the heart of Nerja. Call us 24/7 to see a doctor:
(+34) 622 094 554
We are in Calle San Miguel 14, IN FRONT OF THE SUPERMARKET MERCADONA in the city center of Nerja.
If a doctor is needed at your hotel or home in Nerja, we arrange this for you. Please call us phone (+34) 622 09 45 54
Our team have support from a large fleet of ambulances in Nerja. If you need assistance with an ambulance please give us a call. If we are not able to attend you, we will help you get in contact with the local Emergency Services that cover Nerja.
Please call us in Nerja on the urgent care phone (+34) 622 09 45 54
Our medical center in Nerja and associated hospitals work with most international travel insurances.
SOS International
Folksam, Länsförsäkringar, IF, Dina, Gouda etc and many more.
You will not have to pay us for medical treatment at the medical center or hospital, your insurance company will cover you.
Please note that if you wish to have an online consultation, these work on a pay and claim bases (you will be issued with a invoice and you would need to send that in to your insurance company when you return home for reimbursement)
If need be, we can divert patients directly to the main hospital in Malaga. Please call us 24/7 for medical assistance.